Friday, July 18, 2008

Missing out?

Fathers play a huge part in their daughters lives. They are the protectors, and the leaders. They are the ones who take care that everything is alright, making sure our bodies are never hurting and keeping our delicate minds protected.

They are the ones who discipline us when we're wrong, while always letting us know they love us. Fathers tell us we are beautiful even on our worst days. They are the spiritual leaders at home, guiding the family in prayer, reading the Bible and showing it put into practice.

They are the example of what to look for in a husband. Being there to help you when you think that you've found the right guy. Dads are so vital in a girls life.

Or so I've heard.

I don't even know for sure. I've never seen any of that in my life. Ever. It was like I've never even had a father. He never cared if I was alright, or if I was worrying about having enough food to eat. Instead of protecting my mind, he abused and even invaded it. He just about destroyed my innocence.

Discipline? He always put that on my mom. He almost never said the most important words "I love you". When he did, they were always hollow, and I knew they didn't mean anything. He was always silent even when I would come right out and ask him "Am I beautiful?"

He never prayed with us unless there was a major crisis, and his Bible would just collect dust. But he would always go to church and pretend he was close to God. Did he do it just to confuse me? As for a future husband, I always thought "All I have to do is find someone the opposite of dad and I'll be set."

I was always worried about what would happen after high school, when I would decide to start dating. I knew I couldn't trust his judgment. I always pictured a dad who would be there to threaten my date with a baseball bat. It hurt to know that would never exist. And what about my wedding day? The idea of him walking me down the aisle made me sick inside.

He never truly cared about what I was interested in. Even for a couple years when I first played softball, he would help coach. I always knew it was just for the recognition he got for it. You could tell by how he talked, and by looking at his eyes. He didn't really pay attention to me.

And music? I love to sing, so you'd think it would be natural for him, a college music major, to at least teach me the basics. But he never did, even when I would beg him to.

He hurt me with so many different kinds of abuse. I mean, what 10 year old feels guilty whenever her dad takes the family out to eat because she knew that the car might be repossessed, or that they were having to move again because they were going to get kicked out of their house!

Boy, does it feel like I grew up fast. As I see it, he basically stole my childhood. At a very young age, I learned that I didn't have a father.

And then I realized that I do have one. He is my heavenly Father, and He knows me better than anyone else ever could. He knows what I've been through and what I need. He knows what I'm interested in and who I'm going to marry. He knows My past, present, and future.

And now I know that He will always protect me and be there for me. He tells me in His word that I am "fearfully and wonderfully made", no matter what anyone else has to say. He loves me more than even a perfect earthly father could. He is all I need to survive. I am so thankful He showed me that I have a true father and that I learned it at a young age.

I also know that I would go through all the pain again just to discover that I am truly a Daughter of God. Now looking back, I guess that I didn't miss out on anything at all.



elizabeth embracing life said...

When my children were young I use to tell that there will be many days when I disappoint you as your mother. It's never going to be my intend, but it's going to happen. Always put your heart and eyes towards the cross. Jesus never fails. The world will fail us over and over but Jesus never does. He truly gives us the desires of our hearts if we are truly seeking him. It still hurts when those whom we want to love and trust fail us. God is going to use your testimony to reach out to the hearts of others who are hurting. Embracing and learning from those hurts brings us closer to the cross. Blessings sweet girl.

Daniel Van Horn said...

I forgot that you guys started a blog. It made me sad to read it. Until the ending. It was awesome. God is our protector, provider, encourager, strong tower, salvation, hope, love, and all we need. Paige and Laurel, i don't think I've ever told you guys how amazing you. I tell my friends on the way home from church how much I love you guys. How thankful I am for you. God was very creative when he blessed my life with you two and your family. I love you both so much, even though you may not here that from a boy very often. :) You guys are amazing, beautiful, incredibly talented, and I will always be a phone call away. Or a high five away at church. :)

-daniel van horn

Jean Woest said...

alright. I guess you didn't get my second comment eitehr so here's try number three. Hope it works.

Basicaly, I just wanted to tell you guys that I understand how you feel about the whole not having a dad thing. I'm grateful for my stepdad, but its not quite the same. Anyway, I'm glad you guys are keeping the right perspective, and not letting the enemy come in with all sorts of lies about who you are or how you should respond.

For whatever reason, God has allowed this to take place in your lives, just as he did in mine, and I know that in the end, it will be for the best. I know that doesn't make the numbing pain any less and there are somethings only God and time can heal. But, I pray that just as this pushed me into God's arms, so also this will cause you to turn to Him like never before.

Well, enough preaching for now. I gota run, but I hope you guys get this one and that the God of Peace give you his peace that surpasses all understanding.

Anonymous said...

I love being able to read your blogs. It is so encouraging to see what God has done and is doing in your life. Keep posting...

Jess said...

Hi Girls!
I'm so glad Laurel that you commented on my blog because I would have never known that you two had one as well! I must tell you, you both are incredibly gifted writers! I am so impressed with how you girls can express yourselves!
Some things I need to tell you:
I understand the broken heart that you can experience from a Dad who has never been a Father. I've been there, it's devastating! But, I also know that God has put two incredible men in my life that have shown me that I deserve to be treated like a princess and I deserve every aspect of their love and their respect just as easily as I can give it. Yes, God gave me a new step-father and a wonderful husband, both are amazing men of God! I promise, there are some fantastic men like that! In the mean time girls, continue to keep your eyes and your hearts on Christ! He will fulfill your every desire and when the time has come and he thinks you are ready he will put another part of His divine plan into motion (and by that I mean dating... the right guys). :o) For girls in our situation with experiences like ours, it's easy to "settle" and think we don't deserve better, YOU DO! Don't forget it!
Wow! I didn't mean for my reply to be so long! I was also going to say that you girls are so close, it would be great to see you sometime and hang out. Maybe you could hang out with our youth group!

Take care girls!
Jess Harvey

PS~ Chad says HI!

Anonymous said...

Dear Laurel, I have learned that 'people' can bring much disappointment! I wish I could fix this, for you deserve a real daddy! When Aaron heard the latest, he just could not believe your dad would give up his family for his 'problems'. What a waste. Satan is obviously very powerful, but as you know personally, Jesus will always win in the end, so keep your eyes on him. I do wish your dad had done that! Just think, he made a is really sad.
By the way, your Uncle Aaron or Chad would probably fight over who would walk you down the isle, so don't you even give it a 2nd thought for will have a long list to choose from when that time comes. And besides that, you are not yet 30, so you can't even date yet! haha!
I love you and can't wait to wrap my arms around each of you...alot has come to the surface since I last saw you!
Aunt Peggy